Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Another Break....
Now that the landscaping season is almost over and the TV episodes are wrapping up filming, I am hoping that we can focus back on our house. Our projects to finish include:
-frame out back doorway
-stain and refinish door
-new light for over the sink
-pulls on cabinets
-install IKEA rails on backsplash
Finish Back Entry Way
Living Room
-replace trim
-crown moulding
-replace trim on floor
-refinish floors
-new trim
A lot, but we are ready.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Front Yard: Year two
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Remodeling Vacation.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Chad Freedom Fest 2006

-Our kitchen remodeling project (see the finished product)
-His 20s (It's his thirtieth birthday!)
-And from his credit card debt of ten years!
Hope you can make it!
BBQ starting at 4pm
We're hoping to line up live music, if we can get our neighbors to agree
If you are so inclined, bring something to share (food or drink). Otherwise, just bring yourselves.
Please invite anyone I missed.
Please let me know if you can make it.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
The Wall Color Debate

We both hated the yellow. What were we thinking? I came home one day and Chad had painted a dark gray, a color we had in the basement. It looks lovely.
We are starting to tile:And we have a few of the cabinet pulls on:
The microwave is in, but not vented, and there is no electicity.
We are getting close. To celebrate, we will be holding the Chad Freedom Festival 2006 at our house on July 29. The party is to celebrate chad's freedom from his 20s (it's his 30th birthday), freedom from the kitchen (we hope) and freedom from his credit card debt. Woo hoo! Hope you can make it.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Update: We have a functioning kitchen

New dishwasher is nice & quiet:
This little pull out holds the trash & recycling out of sight:
View into the living room. Chalkboard paint on the top. The dust in the air is from Chad sanding the basement with plastic walls up. He did not believe that dust was getting everywhere in the house until I showed him these pictures. He says who cares, it's got to get done. I say take it outside buddy.
The sink is a holy grail of kitchen remodeling when you have been without a sink for 6 months. Sweet victory. The sink was a lot of work to install, especially since it was 90 degrees and Memorial day weekend. Chad cracked a corner of the soapstone counter off in the process and had to epoxy it back on. That was temporary defeat. He then sanded it back out. It is nearly imperceptible now.
View in from the living room. Fridge on right. Chad is working on the maple finish work around the bar area now. Backsplash tiles are set up against the wall for temporary judgement and any last ditch attempts to change our minds regarding design choices. Doesn't the old stove look out of place now? Hopefully that can be replaced as soon as our bank account is replenished.
Happy Birthday Mica! The teeth fell out of a green pinata.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
DIY Soapstone Countertops
We learned about soapstone via a whisper of information available online by searching DIY soapstone. We read that it was a high quality material that regular, ambitious people could perhaps cut and install themselves, to save some dough. We also liked the look of the material, the fact that it is matte & natural stone.
So, we began to look for a place locally who would sell us the stone. The distributors who have the huge warehouses of stone do not sell to the public, and for good reason, as the stone is so heavy we could not move or transport it without heavy equipment. SO then we started to realize that we needed someone to cut the stone to the rought sizes for us, and we would do the finishing and the installation. We found a place via an ad in the phonebook, and we went out to look at thier showroom. They tried to sell us the one piece of soapstone they had, and told us that was the only kind available (the piece they had in stock had HUGE variations in it). They then referred us to the stone distributor, where we could go and pick our our very own slab.
Meanwhile, we learned that our friend knew someone who owned a stone countertop fabricator. Score! Distinctive Stone Interiors in St. Paul, MN gave us a quote, which was very reasonable. We ended up paying about $50/square foot for the stone, and to have them cut the pieces to the right size, but not install or finish sand them. The installed price is between $80-$120. The other quote we got locally was for $75/sq foot, for the stone and to have them cut the pieces to size, not installed. We were about ready to go with M Teixeira Soapstone, who will ship the stone to you, for a hefty shipping fee of $500. This would be a good option if you can't find anyone locally to sell you the stone cut, but not installed.
So, on Saturday, Chad when and picked up the countertops from the stone place. They even built a little carrying thing so he could pick it up in his truck:

Each of the pieces needed to be sanded -- both on the top and on the edges. Apparently the factory finish that comes on the stone is not good enough. The stone people lent Chad the tools to do the sanding (a wet sander), here is him sanding:

Two of the six pieces took about two hours to sand.

Keeping some water on there really helped to get the finish smooth:

Taa-daa! Here is the first of the countertops. The counters just get glued on with silicone epoxy. I added some mineral oil to give the stone the dark finish.

This piece had a little more variation that I originally wanted, but I think I will learn to like it.
Here is the second piece that we installed:
I love the soapstone, it really makes the kitchen look great. We are getting very close to finishing.
Monday, May 08, 2006
The last cabinet

Here is chad installing that last cabinet. I think he almost had a heart attack because I was so frusterated this morning and we were working like maniacs to make progress.
Ta-da! The last cabinet is in. See that light fixture on the right? We had to change the orientation of that to horizontal so that the countertop would fit underneath. We had not taken the shimming into consideration when measuring the height. Add it to the list of minor details which we overlooked the first time and had to rip out and start again.
We also had our new fridge delivered on Saturday. Here it is, we need to clean the front with some goo-be-gone:
And the interior view. What a sweet fridge, I am feeling a little guilty for having such a nice thing, the fridge is worth more than my car at this point:
And our other Saturday project was tiling the floor under the stove and the fridge. Here is the floor under the fridge: A close up of the new tile:
And here is the tile under the fridge:
And another design detail which I have not mentioned before, Chad had a great idea of painting the wall looking into the living room with chalkboard paint. It's really subtle and you don't notice it until you walk in the kitchen. It provides a nice little unexpected venue for messages and drawings:
How many days until we are done? I wonder the same thing. The countertops are slated to be installed the weekend of May 20. Hallelujah! From there the sink can go in, and I can stop washing dishes in the basement. It has been a long process.
I took a quick stop at the Minneapolis St. Paul Home Tour this weekend and saw one house that was a sweet remodel. It gave me some hope that this entire project will be worth it. My mom says I will forget all the anguish. I hope she is right.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Still Working on the Cabinets, part II
We finally got the cabinets in that were causing so much trouble. See below. The fridge goes in the middle. We had to change a wall and rearrange electrical to make this fit.
There is one cabinet left to install. Woo-hoo!

We are nearing on six months with this project. Spring is here, and I wish we were done. Sigh. We are getting closer. We ordered the countertops on Wednesday, and those should be ready May 18 or sooner. June 1 -- that is my party date. But i am not sending out the invitations yet.