New dishwasher is nice & quiet:
This little pull out holds the trash & recycling out of sight:
View into the living room. Chalkboard paint on the top. The dust in the air is from Chad sanding the basement with plastic walls up. He did not believe that dust was getting everywhere in the house until I showed him these pictures. He says who cares, it's got to get done. I say take it outside buddy.
The sink is a holy grail of kitchen remodeling when you have been without a sink for 6 months. Sweet victory. The sink was a lot of work to install, especially since it was 90 degrees and Memorial day weekend. Chad cracked a corner of the soapstone counter off in the process and had to epoxy it back on. That was temporary defeat. He then sanded it back out. It is nearly imperceptible now.
View in from the living room. Fridge on right. Chad is working on the maple finish work around the bar area now. Backsplash tiles are set up against the wall for temporary judgement and any last ditch attempts to change our minds regarding design choices. Doesn't the old stove look out of place now? Hopefully that can be replaced as soon as our bank account is replenished.
Happy Birthday Mica! The teeth fell out of a green pinata.