We had a hard time finding a tub that would fit in a 30 x 66 inch opening. Most tubs today are 32 inches wide atleast. Our old tub was 30 x 60 x 14, which is very shallow. The new tub is roughly 30 x 66 x 18 -- giving us 24 more cubic inches of soaking room. It is a European tub made by Duravit and designed by Phillipe Stark, which we bought from tubz.com. Luckily it was in stock somewhere in the U.S. so it did not have to be shipped from Germany, where it is made.

Rrrrr! Sassy! Hold on there!

Here is our old tub, for comparison. Of course, there was not usually a toilet in it, but you get the gist. It's hard to tell from the photos, but the new tub is a lot more roomy.

This is actually the thing I am most excited to have with the new bathroom. The old tub was so small, we never took baths in it. The new tub will afford us bathing luxuries!
We were considering going with a jacuzzi tub.. but I read that on average, people use them 4 times a year. And all and all, it was not worth the extra cost for me. I am however ecstatic over our newly acquired 24 cubic inches.