Phase 1 is tackling a bedroom and bathroom upstairs. Phase 2 will include the entire first floor, including a new kitchen. And then phase 3 is back upstairs, to add a master bath and rip out our nasty duplex kitchen and make the upstairs into bedrooms. But I am getting ahead of myself. This is going to take YEARS.
For now, we focus on just two rooms upstairs.
The plans
Here is the before layout. A big problem with this bath is that since the roof it pitched, the shower is only about four feet high. The dotted line between the bed and bath represents where that roof pitch starts.

Here is the after plan. The room placement similar, except we steal some room for the bathroom from the bedroom:

Before photos
The bath looks OK in this photo, but the big problems are hard to see: the pitched low roof, junky vinyl floor, dog eaten woodwork, broken window covered with flaky lead paint, discount vanity sink, and leaky toilet.
Here you can see why a shower would not be a possibility for anyone over 5 feet. You can also see one of the many, many cracks in the ceiling:
Here is the bedroom before, which we were sleeping in. It was actually the nicest bedroom in the house, but we were having ice dam problems due to the lack of insulation in that pitched roof, and also the windows were not entirely operational.
The rooms now
What have we done? Um, tore it all out. Here's the old bathroom.
Former bedroom:
Another view of the bathroom:
And one minor accident (restaged here) along the way... whoops! Everyone's ok!
The chaos has begun! Lord help us.